Saturday, November 11, 2006


Back at Home

I've been home for about a month now and I've done........absolutely nothing! Well, apart from replying to emails, start this blog, eat and sleep. I dont know why it has been so hard but I feel like I am just really confused about starting my life all over again.
Ahhhhhh....a new life! What am I going to do? I have lots of ideas but will they pan out or will I be stuck on the dole doing nothing? I don't want to be stuck doing a crappy job for the rest of my life...I want to be my own boss and make my own money. I'm trying to think positive but the weight of people asking me what i'm going to do and making me question myself. You know what? I don't care about them! Im going to give it a go! Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed.

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